Connections Homeschool Program

Connections Homeschool Program serves all Kenai Peninsula Borough homeschool families. Connections embraces parental involvement and curricular freedom, adapts, and evolves to maintain accountability for student proficiency and graduation, and encourages community and global success.
The purpose of Connections Homeschool Program is to serve as the voice of homeschool education in KPBSD communities, provide individualized education options, and support parents as their children’s primary teachers.
Soldotna: 907.714.8880
Homer: 907.226.1880
Seward: 907.224.9035
143 E. Park Ave
Soldotna, AK 99669
206 E. Pioneer Ave
Homer, AK 99603
304 Sea Lion Ave
Seward, AK 99664
- Principal Tenure:
12 years in district, 34 years in profession - 13 Certified staff average degree level, Masters
- 7 Classified staff
- P/T ratio
92:1 including SPED teachers – >100:1 not including SPED teachers - 11.66 average Staff years of service in KPBSD
- 1207 Enrollment
- Attendance Rate: N/A
- Interventions are available as determined by parents and advisors. Interventions can be curricular, or instructional. Most interventions include “small group or individual instruction” which is already afforded to all homeschool students
Academics Assessment
- MAP – Math
Less than 10% of eligible students were tested parent opt out - MAP – ELA
Less than 10% of eligible students were tested- parent opt out
K12 Elementary Specific
- iReady (sample size too small)
- CKLA (sample size too small)
K12 Secondary Specific
- 69.06% Graduation Rate
- 9 Dual Enrollment students
School Projects/Initiatives
Connections Homeschool Program has recently developed a pre-school program to support early literacy, a graduation-rate task force to support all students’ ability to receive a high school diploma, and we continue to support hundreds of curricular choices that reflect the family values of parents and for them to use in order to educate well-rounded children who are prepared for their future.
Honors, Awards and Recognitions
Connections students are members of nearly every KPBSD team that competes locally and state-wide including state championship teams. Many of our student receive scholarships and recognition for their academic performance including the Alaska Performance Scholarship. Connections Homeschool Program recently completed the reaccreditation process and is recognized as a fully accredited school by the North Central Association Commission.
Awards / Championships
There are Connections students on nearly all KPBSD teams and so we share the championship status.
Course Offering Highlights
We have hundreds of different courses designed to meet the needs of all our students. Many courses are unique and designed just for the student taking it. These courses (most often electives) are designed to build skill and knowledge around the interests and strengths of each student. We will be designing a Interview Skills Class (SkillsUSA) for the spring competition and a High School Science class that will be instructed in a “resident camp” style utilizing the Seldovia (Susan B. English) school campus.
School Climate and Mindset Key Data
(need to email attachments to me…these are links to local desktop files, they won’t work for the web)
School Culture Highlights
High functioning staff will a high average number of years of experience. Focus for families, staff, and students is on student success using a multitude of curriculum choices and variable pacing options in order to meet the goals directed by family values.
Family and Community Engagements/Highlights
100% of our students are involved in constructing Individual Learning Plans (ILP). Parents meet with our advisors to determine the materials and programs that will bridge the gap between where their children are and the goals they have for the future.
Goals for the year
- All certified staff will participate in professional development opportunities, either by attending a homeschool conference, curriculum fair, or trainer in the areas of curriculum by April 30,2025.
- All staff will participate in weekly staff sessions with agenda that include student graduation progress and data. Additionally, an “I-Team” will be made available to review data for all students requesting early graduation. This same I-Team will be on call for all staff who have identified students at risk of not graduating or graduating late.
- All classified staff will participate in professional development with emphasis on customer service and marketing by April 30,2025. Additionally, all staff will participate in multiple family-focused events with the focus on building relationships with families and providing opportunities for positive public image of homeschooling.