Academic Eligibility

Classes taken through the Connections Homeschool Program are treated as any other KPBSD class concerning academic eligibility. Eligibility grades must be turned in to your Connections Advisor for ALL courses by the eligibility due date. Grades will be entered by your advisor into PowerSchool, which is the KPBSD student records database (PowerSchool). Our school Athletic Directors will then generate student eligibility reports, which will allow for your child’s sports participation. Please ensure that your child’s ILP is current and accurate with taught courses, in order that we can enter your child’s grades correctly.

DO report the following class grades:

  • Home taught courses (includes tutors/vendors)
  • Dual enrollment courses (KPC, UAA, etc.)

DO NOT report the following class grades

  • Classes taught at your KPBSD school
  • Classes taken on Canvas with KPBSD Distance Education
Below are the eligibility GRADE REPORT due dates for 2024-2025 school year. These deadlines will allow your advisor time to submit grades for the eligibility check. If grade reports are not submitted on time, the student will be considered INELIGIBLE for sports participation. It never hurts to submit grades a bit earlier than necessary.

If you have any questions or extenuating circumstances, please contact your advisor as soon as possible. 
First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter

Important Notes

  1. “Students who are ineligible as a result of a 2nd semester failing grade or a GPA of less than 2.0 at the end of the second semester will begin their ineligibility immediately for any sport continuing into the summer and will continue through the first day that practice begins at that school for the sport in which that student participates in the fall and will run for three calendar weeks or two competitive events, whichever is longer. Classes passed during the summer school can be used to regain eligibility as soon as the class is successfully completed if the student has a GPA of not less than 2.0 and has passed at least five (5) semester units with the previous semester and summer school combined.” (Co-curricular Activities Guideline, p. 11)
  2. Distance Learning classes use the overall semester grade (S1 or S2) from the PowerSchool gradebook as the E2 and E4 eligibility grades (as opposed to just the grade for work after the quarter). Because of the nature of online classes and the policy of accepting “late” work, the overall semester grades at the E2 and E4 check dates are more accurate indicators of a student’s progress toward successful completion of a class.

For more information about scholastic eligibility please refer to the High School Handbook for Co-curricular Activities: KPBSD High School Handbook: Co-curricular Activities Guidelines