Total Eclipse – Learn While it Happens

One of the great benefits of homeschooling is the ability to take advantage of learning opportunities presented by significant events as they happen. There are no artificially imposed calendar restraints. The upcoming August 21, 2017, total eclipse is a case in point. Just because the 2018 school year does not officially start for students until August 22nd does not mean students shouldn’t learn about the eclipse while it is in the news.
NASA has produced some nice instructional materials related to the upcoming (August 21, 2017) total eclipse. Included are ideas for family activities, lesson plans, and other resources. Interestingly, this is what appears to be a new NASA Homeschool web page available on their website. Also, be sure to read NASA’s safety page before you try to see the solar eclipse.
Another recommended site deals specifically with the total eclipse in Alaska. Spoiler alert, it will be a partial eclipse in Alaska.
I received these links from my friend, and former KPBSD science teacher, who currently works indirectly with NASA’s education wing.
Enjoy your learning.