Fun educational/game websites
These are some website addresses for you to check out for some great ideas. Please be advised that some of these sites also have pop up ads. These pop up advertisements are not coming from the Connections Homeschool Program website
A+ Math – This web site was developed to help students improve their math skills interactively.
Chateau Meddybemp’s – Looking for activities for a wide range of ages? This is a good place to look. It will even keep the adults going.
Chomp Chomp – Grammar Bytes! Grammar Instruction with Attitude.
Disney’s Online Playhouse – Lots of fun things for the kids to do here that stimulates their imagination and helps them to learn.
Education 4 Kids – This web site has electronic flash cards of basic math facts with difficulty levels ranging from two up to ten numbers in a problem. You’ll also find games for Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science.
FunBrain – This web site features interactive games for practice of addition, subtraction, and more.
Games Kids Play – Looking for some new game ideas, or maybe rules to games? Check out this site for information.
Geography and Maps of the World – This site features lots of great information on the countries of the world. Ranging from basic geographic information to blank outline maps.
How Stuff Works – A great place for the older student who really wants to know how stuff really works. A must for the curious student.
Owl and Mouse Educational Software – Help your child learn with games, software (most of it free!) and educational activities from Owl & Mouse. We are committed to making the capabilities and potential of personal computers available to parents and teachers to provide individualized and intriguing learning for their children.
Starfall Reading – A creative website designed to teach children to read. We hope that this free website will help to inspire a lifelong love of reading and learning. The interactive books available here have sound – so please turn your speakers on!
The Brain Connection – A great site for fun activities for young children that combines fun games and learning into one. Highly recommended for the beginning student.
More sites to look at