Student Support Services

Student Support Services

Now taking applications for Student Support Services: Student Support Services (SSS) is an academic program sponsored by UAA that offers a multiplicity of support services to students with limited income, whose parent(s) have not earned a baccalaureate degree, and/or who experience a documented disability. As a department within Academic and Multicultural Student Services, the goal of SSS is to enable participating students, with academic need, to persist and graduate from UAA.

To learn more about Student Support Services, and to apply, follow the link to Applicants can apply on line or print out a reproducible application for submission to:

Student Support Services
3211 Providence Drive
Eugene Short Building, Suite 201
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Phone: 786-1380 / Fax: 786.1383

Space is limited so apply now!

College Financial Aid Video

College Financial Aid Video

A video put out by the University of Alaska “Financial Aid for College” is available in our Soldotna and Homer office. This is a 37 minute video which can be viewed in our office or checked out. More information on financing a college education can be found by sending an e-mail to

Step 8: College Search

How do you choose the right College for your individual needs? Sometimes that can be a hard choice to make. Here are some articles to read and websites to visit to help you with that all important decision you have to make.

Before looking through the various links on this page, you might want to read this article that was very well written. It will help you in your search. Click on the following link to read the article.

Step 7: Career Information

Do you know what you want to do for a future career?
Some of us do, others are not sure. If you would like to take a couple of different tests to help you make a decision as to what might be some good careers, try the 2 test links on the left side of this window. They will take you to a couple of different websites with some good tests. They will help you decide what you have a natural aptitude for.

Alaska Career Information System (AKCIS)
For logging in (case sensitive):
Username: kenaiconnect
Password: akcis02
State of Alaska Department of Labor & Workforce Development

Step 5: Scholarship Folder

The Connections Scholarship Program is supported by a number of State and Local community organizations. These scholarships are designed to help graduating seniors supplement costs for post-high school education in college, vocational, and trade programs. Eligibility rules vary for each scholarship, but in general, applicants are considered on the basis of potential success at their chosen school, scholastic promise, citizenship and financial need. To download a 154 kb Word document for your records with all of the information you will need: Click Here

  • A student wishing to apply for a scholarship awarded by a local organization should prepare a scholarship folder.
  • This folder should contain a letter of application, a transcript of grades and completed application.
  • Student should submit four completed bound copies to the Connections Office.
  • Keep a fifth one for your own use.
  • Please sign each copy rather than photocopy your signature.
  • Please note that there are other scholarship opportunities available which will require completion of their own separate scholarship application form.
  • Scholarship folders should be completed and on file in the Connection Office by the first Friday in December.
  • We generally begin receiving local scholarships at about that time.
  • You may, of course, turn in your scholarship folder after that date but you may miss out on scholarships that we received prior to you turning in your folder.

Format (The following format is suggested for preparation of your scholarship folder 🙂

  • All information should be typewritten or word processed and double-spaced. (No obvious erasures, No strikeovers.)
  • Each scholarship folder should be bound with a soft cover.
  • A copy of your senior picture is considered to be optional. This does not have to be a real photo. Scanned, or photocopy pictures are acceptable. If it is included, it should be enclosed on a separate sheet in your folder, which should have your name on it as well.

Other Sources Of Financial Aid

In developing a financial program for each individual, it is important to remember that there are a variety of sources for financial aid. One of the most commonly used sources for Alaskan students is the Alaska State Student Loan Program. Although there are some restrictions and eligibility requirements, consider the student loan as a possibility to help you finance your education. Other sources are available through the school you are planning to attend. Usually the basic application for these funds is the FAFSA, which allows the school to offer you a package of financial help in the form of grant/scholarships, loans, and work-study. FAFSA forms are available on line at

Suggested Folder Arrangement

  1. Cover page with identifying statement (centered in middle of page and picture if applied).

  2. Optional picture centered on page with name typewritten approximately four lines below picture.
  3. Local Scholarship Application. (Form attached)
  4. A personal statement (essay), which is typewritten, double spaced, and at least two to three pages long. Express why you have chosen a particular career or vocation and explain your plan of pursuit. Mention training and education you have completed that will help you achieve this goal. You may also mention any special financial need you may have.
  5. Financial statement of expected school costs. (Form attached)
  6. Transcript of your high school classes and credits. Request from your advisor an official copy of your transcript. Please give at least two days notice for this task.
  7. Rating and evaluation sheet (Form attached). Give this sheet to a teacher or community member for completion.
  8. Appendix. Feel free to include any information about yourself that separates you from your classmates. Students in the past have included newspapers articles, copies of special awards, and letters of recommendation (1-3) in this section. (But don’t overload the reader.) Use good judgments and discretion.


  1. Your folder represents your qualities as a candidate. Present your information neatly and accurately. Have someone PROOF READ your essay to look for spelling and grammatical errors.
  2. If you are not an accurate typist, find someone who is!
  3. Keep margins as even as possible.
  4. Division of words should be minimal.
  5. Do not fold application or letters. Envelopes are not required.
  6. Read through the instructions carefully and follow them precisely.
  7. Listen for announcements of deadlines. Meet ALL deadlines. Be neat and prompt.
  8. Remember to prepare five sets of your scholarship folder.
  9. Be aware that you do not have to be an “A” or “B” student to be considered for scholarships. Many committees desire to award scholarships to students who show promise of success. A “C” is considered an average grade and average students DO go on to post-high school training.
  10. Scholarships are for both college AND trade/vocational schools. So, apply if you are planning to attend any type of post-high school training.

One of the most important things to remember is to write a thank-you letter when you receive a scholarship. Also, you should drop the committee a note during the year to let them know how you are progressing in college and how much their contribution helped you. If you drop out of school and do not complete the semester, you should return the scholarship money. When you receive local scholarships, the name and mailing address of the school you definitely will be attending must be given to the Connections, so the funds reach the college of your choice.

Step 4: Federal and Student Aid

Federal and State student aid is available to high school seniors entering college. You also might be able to get financial aid from your state government, your college, or a private scholarship.Research non-federal aid early (ideally, start in the spring of your junior year of high school). Be sure to meet all application deadlines!

Federal Student Aid

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Federal Student Aid facilitates federal student aid

Federal student aid is financial assistance that’s available if you’re enrolled in an eligible program as a regular student at a college participating in the federal student aid programs.

Federal student aid covers college expenses such as:

  • Tuition and fees.
  • Room and board.
  • Books and supplies.
  • Transportation.
  • This aid can also help you pay for a computer and dependent child care expenses.More Information…

    In your Junior Year, visit to pre-determine aid you can receive.

AlaskaAdvantage Programs

The Alaska Commission on Post Secondary Education (ACPE) facilitates AlaskAdvantage Programs.
They are our state’s higher education assistance agency. They provide the lowest possible cost for financial aid loan programs and Grant programs for Alaska students
They help Alaskan students by providing the following:

  • Loan cost reduction for Alaska’s residents, and a full menu of other borrower benefits
  • Outreach programs to help Alaskans access higher education
  • Loans which are serviced at home in Alaska, by Alaskans.
  • Just one bill for all your federal and state loans
  • Outstanding borrower benefit cost reductions for all our borrowers
  • Zero-fee Alaskadvantage Stafford loanMore information..
    AlaskaAdvantage website

Step 3: PSAT, SAT & ACT

Why do I want to take the PSAT/NMSQT

PSAT/NMSQT stands for Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. It’s a standardized test that provides firsthand practice for the SAT Reasoning Test™. It also gives you a chance to enter National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) scholarship programs. The most common reasons for taking the PSAT/NMSQT are: to receive feedback on your strengths and weaknesses on skills necessary for college study, to see how your performance on an admissions test might compare with that of others applying to college, and to prepare for the SAT.

Why do I want to take the ACT?

The ACT test assesses high school students’ general educational development and their ability to complete college-level work.
The multiple-choice tests cover four skill areas: English, mathematics, reading, and science. The Writing Test, which is optional, measures skill in planning and writing a short essay.
*Some colleges have a preferred test for enterance into their programs. Check with the colleges you are applying to and find out what they prefer or require.

Why do I want to take the SAT?

“The SAT scores help colleges better understand how your skills compare with other college-bound students.”
The SAT is a test that is broken into two parts.
The Reasoning Test and the Subject Tests. (See info below)
The Reasoning Test measures skills such as: critical thinking, writing, and mathmatical reasoning. These are important skills that students need to have to take college-level courses.
*Some colleges have a preferred test for enterance into their programs. Check with the colleges you are applying to and find out what they prefer or require.

Upcoming SAT Test Dates: (Please contact your advisor for locations)

Click Here for current test dates and fees.

About the SAT Reasoning Test

The SAT Reasoning Test is a measure of the critical thinking skills you’ll need for academic success in college. The SAT assesses how well you analyze and solve problems—skills you learned in school that you’ll need in college. The SAT is typically taken by high school juniors and seniors. Each section of the SAT is scored on a scale of 200—800, with two writing subscores for multiple-choice and the essay.
It is administered seven times a year. The SAT includes several different question types, including: a student-produced essay, multiple-choice questions, and student-produced responses (grid-ins).
The SAT is comprised of 10 total testing sections. The first section is always a 25-minute essay and last section is always a 10-minute multiple-choice writing section. Sections two through seven are 25-minute sections. Sections eight and nine are 20-minute sections.

About the SAT Subject Tests:

Subject Tests (formerly SAT II: Subject Tests) are designed to measure your knowledge and skills in particular subject areas, as well as your ability to apply that knowledge.
Students take the Subject Tests to demonstrate to colleges their mastery of specific subjects like English, history, mathematics, science, and language.
Many colleges use the Subject Tests for admissions, for course placement, and to advise students about course selection. Used in combination with other background information (your high school record, scores from other tests like the SAT Reasoning Test, teacher recommendations, etc.), they provide a dependable measure of your academic achievement and are a good predictor of future performance.
Some colleges specify the Subject Tests they require for admissions or placement; others allow applicants to choose which tests to take.
Subject Tests fall into five general subject areas: English History and Social Studies Mathematics Science Languages. All Subject Tests are one-hour, multiple-choice tests. However, some of these tests have unique formats.

SAT Test – Special consideration for Homeschoolers…

Home-schooled students should consider taking one or more Subject Tests.
By taking Subject Tests, your child can demonstrate their academic strengths to colleges.
Some colleges require home-schoolers to take one or more Subject Tests for admission or placement.

Step 2: How to get to college

1. Take High School Courses at a college preparatory level.
Did you know that high schools offer courses at different levels – honor, college preparatory, business, and vocational? The college preparatory courses are the ones most colleges require. If you don’t take these, you may limit your college opportunities. Even if you’re not sure you want to attend college, these courses will keep your options open and prepare you for both college and work. Meet with your advisor to plan your schedule. Keep in mind that the courses listed below are the minimum requirements for most four-year colleges.

High School Course Work
English 4 yrs With some College prep English.
Mathematics 3-4 yrs Including Algebra I & II and Geometry.
Science 3-4 yrs Usually, Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics & 2 lab courses.
Social Studies 3 yrs For example: World History, U.S. History, and Government.
Foreign Language 2 yrs Of the same language (many schools require three years).
Electives 3 yrs Courses of your choice – select courses that will enhance your skills.

Electives that will help you include computer science, fine arts, typing, and especially honors and advanced placement courses if they are offered. Also, check with your advisor about taking college level courses at KPC.
2. Have a monthly planning schedule in place.

Junior Year
September Sign up to take the PSAT/NMSQT.
Check for scholarships or internships offered to Juniors.
October Take the PSAT/NMSQT.
November Start searching for colleges.
December Check your PSAT/NMSQT scores online.
January Register online for the spring SAT tests.
Check for scholarships or internships offered to Juniors.
February Continue to look for potential colleges.
March Line up a summer job for more college money.
April Study for the May SAT.
May Take the SAT.
Check for scholarships or internships offered to Juniors.
June-Aug Work at a job, internship or do course work to help you prepare for college. Narrow down your list of colleges and/or go visit college campuses to see what they have to offer you.


Senior Year
IMPORTANT: Check for scholarships, student aid, grants and loans all year long. Many opportunities come along at different times and throughout the entire school year, so check back often with your advisor.
August Check with Counselor about test requirements.
Pick up SAT/ACT exam applications, complete and file (mail or online).
September Meet with counselor about plans for post-secondary training.
Check for scholarships and grants.
Look into student loans (if needed).
October Request college applications.
Get recommendations from teachers, counselors or community members at least 2 weeks prior to scholarship deadlines.
Continue to get recommendations and check into scholarships, grants and loans.
November SAT/ACT tests.
Narrow list to 2-3 schools.
Request college applications.
December SAT/ACT tests.
Complete and mail college applications.
Parents: organize your taxes.
January Pick up and complete FAFSA.
Have school send 7th semester transcripts to colleges.
The last SAT that can be used for admissions purposes is given this month.
February Check for any Local Scholarship Applications.
Apply for an Alaska State Student Loan.
Parents: get information about loans.
March Colleges will notify about acceptance.
Some colleges will send a financial aid offer to the student and family.
April Colleges will notify about acceptance.
Colleges will send a financial aid offer to the student and family.
Make decisions about which college to attend, respond to colleges with yes or no.
May Concentrate on graduation!
Send final transcript to colleges after grade have been processed.
Get a summer job!

Step 1: Why Go?

Do you know why you should be thinking about education after High School?

The answer is that education pays off. The more education you have, the more options you will have. People who graduate from college earn more money than those who don’t go to college – as much as $1 million more during their lives. College graduates also have more career options and move to higher job levels more easily. So, increase your options by considering higher education.

But why should you think about college now, if you don’t have to apply until you are in the 12th grade?

The answer is simple. When you apply to college, the admission officers look at everything you did in high school. Then they decide whether they think you can handle college work. In deciding whom to admit, colleges look at:

  • The high school courses you took, grades, and class rank.
  • College entrance exam scores like the SAT and ACT.
  • Your extracurricular activities (clubs, civic organizations, community service, jobs).
  • The quality of the essay you send with application.
  • Your teacher recommendations

So your planning must start now!

Use this website for help and as a guide.

  • It will help you every step of the way, from now until you get into college.
  • Look at the specific tasks you need to do each year. Check them off as you go.
  • The steps may seem hard, but if you take them one at a time, you will make it to college. While this web site can help you, it’s not your only resource.
  • Involve your parents, and other family members in the process so they can help you achieve your personal goals.
  • Talk to everyone – Talk to teachers, counselors and adults you trust. Don’t be shy. Seek help when you need it.
  • DON’T BE AFRAID OF THE COST! One last note: If you are worried about how much college will cost, remember there are scholarships and financial aid available. So don’t be scared away by the costs

Kids Zone

Fun educational/game websites

These are some website addresses for you to check out for some great ideas. Please be advised that some of these sites also have pop up ads. These pop up advertisements are not coming from the Connections Homeschool Program website

A+ Math – This web site was developed to help students improve their math skills interactively.

Chateau Meddybemp’s – Looking for activities for a wide range of ages? This is a good place to look. It will even keep the adults going.

Chomp Chomp – Grammar Bytes! Grammar Instruction with Attitude.

Disney’s Online Playhouse – Lots of fun things for the kids to do here that stimulates their imagination and helps them to learn.

Education 4 Kids – This web site has electronic flash cards of basic math facts with difficulty levels ranging from two up to ten numbers in a problem. You’ll also find games for Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science.

FunBrain – This web site features interactive games for practice of addition, subtraction, and more.

Games Kids Play – Looking for some new game ideas, or maybe rules to games? Check out this site for information.

Geography and Maps of the World – This site features lots of great information on the countries of the world. Ranging from basic geographic information to blank outline maps.

How Stuff Works – A great place for the older student who really wants to know how stuff really works. A must for the curious student.

Owl and Mouse Educational Software – Help your child learn with games, software (most of it free!) and educational activities from Owl & Mouse. We are committed to making the capabilities and potential of personal computers available to parents and teachers to provide individualized and intriguing learning for their children.

Starfall Reading – A creative website designed to teach children to read. We hope that this free website will help to inspire a lifelong love of reading and learning. The interactive books available here have sound – so please turn your speakers on!

The Brain Connection – A great site for fun activities for young children that combines fun games and learning into one. Highly recommended for the beginning student.

More sites to look at

A History of US

If you are using the History of US books by Joy Hakim the series for US history curriculum, it is now a series on PBS. At their website you can find a TV schedule, teacher materials, student materials, games, and web episodes to supplement the series. Don’t miss this wonderful educational opportunity. Visit their website with this link:

Computer/Laptop Usage & Technical Support Available

Ken Carrico 714-8911 or

Connections provides students with a windows based computer. A non-refundable annual $25.00 insurance premium fee for computers will be due upon receiving equipment and each year afterwards.

Connections does not provide Internet access. You must provide your own access.

Computers and components are to be returned in the condition in which they were provided (according to the terms set forth in the Computer & Insurance Use Agreement). In the case of loss or negligent damage, the user is responsible for the $100.00 deductible insurance fee.

Technical support is available to help with computer hardware and software problems.

Computer Giving You Problems?

Antivirus Program

Does my computer have an antivirus program?
Yes, A lot of people know about virus infections, but seem to think it can only happen to others, but sooner or later it will catch up to you. Connections computers have a pre-installed antivirus program and it is called:

“Microsoft Forefront Endposit Security”

If you decide to purchase your own Antivirus program you can but, you will not be reimbursed for it.


How Can Hackers/Companies infect your PC?
Your PC may be infected if you have ever downloaded screensavers, music, games, video clips, images, and even those “smiley face” icons. Advertisers/Hackers offer these for free in order to legally “trick” consumers into installing their AdWare and SpyWare programs.
There are warning signs you should be aware of, if any of them pertain to you then your PC is most likely infected.

  • When you start your browser, the home page has mysteriously changed. You change it back manually, but before long you find that it has changed back again.
  • You get pop-up advertisements when your browser is not running or when your system is not even connected to the Internet, or you get pop-up ads that address you by name.
  • Your phone bill includes expensive calls to 900 numbers that you never made-probably at an outrageous per-minute rate.
  • You enter a search term in Internet Explorer’s address bar and press Enter to start the search. Instead of your usual search site, an unfamiliar site handles the search.
  • A new item appears in your Favorites list without your putting it there. No matter how many times you delete it, the item always reappears later.
  • Your system runs noticeably slower than it did before. If you’re a Windows  7, 8 or 10 user, launching the Task Manager and clicking the Processes tab reveals that an unfamiliar process is using nearly 100 percent of available CPU cycles.
  • At a time when you’re not doing anything online, the send or receive lights on your dial-up or broadband modem blink just as wildly as when you’re downloading a file or surfing the Web. Or the network/modem icon in your system tray flashes rapidly even when you’re not using the connection.
  • A search toolbar or other browser toolbar appears even though you didn’t request or install it. Your attempts to remove it fail, or it comes back after removal.
  • Often you cannot even connect to the Internet, and then when you are able to, it acts like it is connected, but won’t go to any web pages, as if it wasn’t connected. You keep getting page cannot be displayed messages.
  • And the final sign is: Everything appears to be normal. The most devious spyware doesn’t leave traces you’d notice, so scan your system anyway.

Helpful Programs

There are a couple of programs good at removing problems. Click on the link to below to download, and then install. Make sure you check for and download the updates before running, or you will not have the most current files for the program to look for. Next run the program and follow the instructions. Please read the help files associated with these programs to learn how to use them.
Malwarebtytes Anti-malware – Please go to and install the program. You will get a 30 day free full version which blocks malicious software. The program is $25 to purchase, but is well worth the investment.
CCleaner which can also be downloaded from . Run the installation after downloading it. This program works really well at removed old “temp” files and other files that are taking up space on your hard drive. This program also has a very good registry cleaning section, which will clean out your registry of old and defunct files which are slowing down your system.

Top Ten Computer Security Tips

1. Use “anti-virus software” and keep it up to date.

  • Anti-virus software protects your computer against known viruses. But with new viruses emerging daily, anti-virus programs need regular updates, like annual flu shots, to recognize these new viruses.
  • Be sure to update your anti-virus software regularly!

2. Don’t open emails or attachments that seem suspicious or are from unknown sources.

  • Be suspicious of unexpected email attachments even if they appear to be from someone you know. Treat it with caution if it has a suspicious subject line. Friends and family may accidentally send you a virus, or the e-mail may have been sent from their machines without their knowledge.
  • If you don’t know the person and want to open a file or attachment, save it first and run your virus checker on that file, but understand there is still a risk.
  • If you receive an email from a trusted organization, be careful of phishing (a scam used to deceive consumers into providing personal data.) The best way to make sure you’re dealing with a merchant is to initiate the contact yourself.
  • Also be careful if you receive many copies of the same message.
  • If an email is suspicious, the best thing to do is to delete the entire message, including any attachment. When in doubt, delete!

3. Protect your computer from Internet intruders – use “firewall’s.”

  • Equip your computer with a firewall! Firewalls create a protective wall between your computer and the outside world, and ensure an unauthorized person can’t gain access to your computer while you’re connected to the Internet.
  • They work by filtering out unauthorized or potentially dangerous types of data from the Internet, while still allowing other (good) data to reach your computer.
  • They come in two forms, software firewalls that run on your personal computer and hardware firewalls that protect a number of computers at the same time. They can be found at most computer stores and in some operating systems. Don’t let intruders in

4. Regularly download security updates and “patches” for operating systems and other software.

  • Sometimes bugs are discovered in a program that may allow a criminal hacker to attack your computer.
  • Software companies create free patches they post on their web sites. Download and install the patches! Check your software web sites regularly for new security patches, or use the automated patching features.
  • Ensure you are getting patches from the correct patch update site. Many systems have been compromised by installing patches obtained from bogus update sites or emails that appear to be from a vendor that provides links to bogus sites.
  • If you don’t have the time to do the work yourself, download and install a utility program to do it for you. Stay informed!

5. Use hard-to-guess passwords.
Passwords will only keep outsiders out if they are difficult to guess! Don’t share your password, and don’t use the same password in more than one place.
The golden rules of passwords are:

  • A password should have a minimum of 8 characters, be as meaningless as possible, and use uppercase letters, lowercase letters, symbols and numbers, example (xk2&LP97)
  • Change passwords regularly, at least every 90 days.
  • Do not give out your password to anyone! For enhanced security, use some form of two-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication is a way to gain access by combining something you know (PIN) with something you have (token or smart card).

6. Back-up your computer data on disks or external hard drives regularly.

  • Back up small amounts of data on flash drives and larger amounts on external drives. Do it weekly or regularly. If you can set up automatic back-ups do it.
  • Remember iCloud and other on internet back-up sites can still be compromised.
  • If you have access to a network, save copies of your data on another computer in the network.
  • Make sure you have your original software start-up disks, in the event your computer system files get damaged. Be prepared!

7. Don’t share access to your computers with strangers.

  • Learn about file sharing risks. Unless you really need this ability, make sure you turn off file-sharing.
  • Your computer operating system may allow other computers on a network, including the Internet, to access the hard-drive of your computer in order to “share files”. This ability to share files can be used to infect your computer with a virus or look at the files on your computer if you don’t pay close attention.
  • Don’t share access to your computer with strangers!

8. Disconnect from the Internet when not in use.

  • The Digital Highway is a two-way road. You send and receive information on it.
  • Disconnecting your computer from the Internet when you’re not online lessens the chance that someone will be able to access your computer.

9. Check your security on a regular basis.

  • You should evaluate your computer security programs at least twice a year – do it when you change the clocks for daylight-savings!
  • Look at the settings on applications that you have on your computer. Your browser software, for example, typically has a security setting in its preferences area.
  • Check what settings you have and that the security level appropriate for you.

10. Make sure your family members know what to do if your computer becomes infected.

  • It’s important that everyone who uses a computer be aware of proper security practices.
  • All users should know how to update virus protection software, how to download security patches from software vendors and how to create a proper password.

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