AK STAR & Science Testing
Student Readiness Resources Now LIVE!
Resources are individually linked below, but all of them can be found on DEED’s AK STAR’s Student Readiness page also.
The Student Tutorial and Practice Tests for AK STAR are now live and ready to be used with schools, students, and families. Below is a list of resources you can find on the AK STAR Student Readiness webpage.
- Link to Student Tutorial: web-based video that walks through test-taking tools and experience
- Link to Practice Tests for AK STAR: one practice test for each grade and content area, also includes accommodated items for Text-to-Speech and American Sign Language videos
- Educator Guide to Student Readiness for AK STAR (link takes you to Student Readiness page-guide is first link): contains directions for accessing both the student tutorial and the practice tests, item types for AK STAR and answer keys for all grades and content areas Support Resource for Families (by grade level): contains directions for accessing both the student tutorial and the practice tests and answer keys for each grade level and content area
Connections will be testing the 1st & 2nd week of April.
The event is finished.
- Apr 05 - 07 2022
- Expired!
- All Day